The overview of the projects The Defense of Colored Pencils in 2006. At every project you will find references to other photo-galleries, details of the drawings and more detailed information.
Prague, Vinohrady Pavilion
December, 1st – 10th 2006
During Pre-Christmas Defense of Colored Pencils in Vinohradsky Pavilion Marie Brozova drew a drawing "Granny’s Garden" that was donated to the orphans’ asylum in Prague – Klanovice with 58 children. The public drawing accompanied the traditional charitable project arranged by Czech committee for UNICEF "Tree of fulfilled dreams" encouraging people to choose from the orphans wishes and buy them Christmas presents. Among the first donators were Valerie Zawadska, Leos Mares and Ray Koranteng. The Dobry Den Agency in its program presented the new edition of Czech Book of Records, with Marie Brozova record drawing drawn by colored pencils.
The grand finale ceremonial December, 20th in Vinohradsky Pavilon was hosted by Valerie Zawadska. Marie Brozova handed over the drawing Granny’s Garden to the headmaster of Orphans’ Asylum Mr Nejezchleba. The popular singer Leona Machalkova took the patronage over this donation. The Dobry Den Agency and Dr.Abe agency prepared the evening show.
Photo album of the event
Close view of the drawing
Actual size detail samples
Marie Brozova's memoir of the event
Prague, The Industrial Palace in Prague Showground
December 12th – 20th 2006
Until December 20th Marie Brozova worked hard on her drawing "Passing on the Light", that brought the pre-Christmas atmosphere into the Christmas Fair, organized by Incheba Praha, in Industrial Palace of Prague Showground.
Photo album of the event
Close view of the drawing
Actual size detail samples
Marie Brozova's memoir of the event
September 11th – 17th 2006
During the festival Jicin – the Town of Fairy Tales Marie Brozova created the drawing Bandits in the Tree. In her magical hat children took Marie for a fairy.
Photo album of the event
Close view of the drawing
Actual size detail samples
Marie Brozova's memoir of the event
July 28th – August 5th 2006
In Florian Square at the sun clock Marie Brozova created the drawing Melon Planet, that was finished during the Melon Festival in Kladno Castle Gardens in August 5th.
Photo album of the event
Close view of the drawing
Actual size detail samples
Marie Brozova's memoir of the event
Prague, The Black Rose Passage
July 12th – 21st 2006
After two years the project Defense of Colored Pencils returned to Prague Black Rose Passage, where Marie Brozova created a drawing titled "Kingdom of Flowers". Public drawing was followed by a large exhibition of drawings.
Photo album of the event
Close view of the drawing
Actual size detail samples
Marie Brozova's memoir of the event
Kutna Hora, July 1st – 9th 2006
The Corpus Christi Chapel in front of the St. Barbara cathedral
June 30th – July 31st 2006
exhibition in the Good Tearoom
Marie Brozova from 1st to 9th July created her drawing "Kutna Hora – the city where you can spot an angel" in front of the Corpus Christi Chapel. The drawing was in light summer colors corresponding with tropical heat. Public drawing was visited not only by the tourists from all around the world, but also by local people who are said to be stay-at-homes, especially in matters of culture.
In Kutna Hora Good Tearoom in Jungmann Square Marie Brozova opened her exhibition on June 30th. The opening day was accompanied by degustation of first flush darjeeling tea, warming in cold rainy weather.
Photo album of the event
Close view of the drawing
Actual size detail samples
Marie Brozova's memoir of the event
The Czech Broadcasting, station Praha, interview with Jirina Perinova in her program What are you interested in
June, 9th – 10th 2006
Marie Brozova with her public drawing was invited to the international festival Pelhrimov – the city of records. She showed her technique in finishing the drawing "The Sea of Silence". Marie Brozova was nominated for the title the record-woman of the year 2006 for her record breaking drawing, the biggest ever drawn by colored pencils.
Photo album of the event
Close view of the drawing
Actual size detail samples
Marie Brozova's memoir of the event
Jindrichuv Hradec
June, 1st – 8th 2006
Public drawing of the drawing "Wanderings with the White Lady Ghost" in front of the pension 15th Meridian, The Defense of Colored Pencils was held under patronage of the city mayor Karel Matousek.
Photo album of the event
Close view of the drawing
Actual size detail samples
Marie Brozova's memoir of the event
Prague Planetarium
April 28th – May 8th 2006
In front of the Prague Planetarium in Stromovka park Marie Brozova drew a drawing "The Way the Stars Live" inspired by astronomy, which is her lifelong hobby. The public drawing was followed by the exhibition of her drawings in Planetarium, as the beginning of the mutual project titled "With Colored Pencils towards the Universe".
Photo album of the event
Close view of the drawing
Actual size detail samples
Marie Brozova's memoir of the event
Holland, Bennekom near Arnhem, Alexanderschool
April, 3rd – 7th 2006
The Defense of Colored Pencils visited Dutch town Bennekom near Arnhem, where it took part in the Water Project in Alexanderschool. The drawing titled "The Waterfall" inspired not only the pupils, but also enchanted their parents and other visitors, who came to see something what they had not seen before.
The public drawing in Holland followed by exhibition of Marie Brozova’s drawings was very successful. It had been proved that her drawings talk to people in generally comprehensive language despite of nationality or culture differences.
Photo album of the event
Close view of the drawing
Actual size detail samples
Marie Brozova's memoir of the event
Ostrava, The House of Books Librex
February 28th – March 13th 2006
In Ostrava cultural center Librex bookshop Marie Brozova worked for twelve days on one of her most detailed drawings inspired by elevating atmosphere titled "The House Made of Books" On the opening day Marie Brozova donated ten reproductions of her drawings to children hospital Ostrava – Poruba.
Photo album of the event
Close view of the drawing
Actual size detail samples
Marie Brozova's memoir of the event
where you’ll find both the drawings created during public events and in the studio.
signed author prints ready for framing, postcards and more.